Justice Howard and The Toiletboys swag sent to Blue Blood! #tbt #blueblood #justicehoward #toiletboys #cool
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Backstage Passes: An Anthology of Rock and Roll Erotica from the Pages of Blue Blood
Sorry I haven’t updated in a few days. I was scheduled to announce the release of my fabulous anthology Backstage Passes on Monday. But I was wracked with anxiety and inappropriate affect, so, instead of feeling celebratory about the awesomeness, I just mostly felt nervous and queasy. Excited contributors have all been emailing me for the past day to make sure all is well. Okay, that is probably an overshare. Let me start again.
I am pleased to announce that my book Backstage Passes: An Anthology of Rock and Roll Erotica from the pages of Blue Blood just came out. The stories explore different aspects of the eroticism of music subcultures. It’s got sexy literary fiction from all sorts of cool genre authors including Poppy Z. Brite, Nancy A. Collins, John Shirley, Will Judy, Shariann Lewitt, Cecilia Tan, Andrew Greenberg, William Spencer-Hale, Althea Morin, Sèphera Girón, Thomas S. Roche, and more. The book includes a story I wrote too, one of my only published fiction works where I wrote in the third person. I’m fortunate to have been able to work with so many great people.
The book won’t be available in stores until September, but you all can buy copies now from the Blue Blood Books site and get yours all early way before the general population can. It will make me feel all warm and gooey inside if you do.

Gasmask Flexibility (PICS)
If someone can do a cool unusual trick, I always like to photograph them doing it. Like, if they are good at hanging upside down or twisting into pretzel forms or breathing fire or hanging from hooks or whatever, then I’m down for documenting it. This set, shot by yours truly and forrestblack posted to the Blue Blood VIP today.
AmeliaG.com Launches
AmeliaG.com Launches
by Amelia G : July 28th, 2009
So I registered the domain for my name a while back, when the internet still had a bit of that new web smell. I’d been doing work more and more in the digital space for a few years then and I would end up having to pay off a cybersquatter for the BlueBlood.com domain, so it seemed sensible to register everything near and dear to me. Then nine more years went by. Some of my favorite sites have grown out of Forrest Black registering domains while drinking beer and then me feeling that, once it was registered, the domain had to have a site on it. For a long time, I just had a link to a hosted journal on AmeliaG.com, but now seemed like the time to actually put a proper site on there. Today it officially goes live.
The site has the Amelia G bio with just the broad strokes. There is a more detailed sidebar with just 2009 news about press appearances and where my writing and photography has appeared this year. I considered including a page with a gigantic lists of places I’ve been published, but, after doing thousands of pages of editorial, not to mention radio and television stuff, it just seemed like it would be a bit of a laundry list. Plus, oddly enough, when I was doing research for the site, I discovered that some of my work had been reprinted without me even knowing it. I’ve moved less as an adult than I did as a kid, but sometimes it is still possible to lose track of compatriots with moves and all on everyone’s part.
I hope people enjoy the Photography Portfolio section of Forrest Black’s and my work. People always ask to see my online portfolio and I always was reluctant to put one together before. When I say “reluctant”, I mean that the notion of editing together only forty of my favorite images, out of everything we’ve ever shot, made me effing hyperventilate. I forced my brain through its discomfort and editing a selection of images from over such a long time period turned out to be really . . .
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