Guess whose living room is filled with cartons of books! I have a whole lot of copies of BLT 25: Black Leather Times Punk Humor and Social Critique from the Zine Revolution in my living room right now. All the backers of the BLT Kickstarter have BLT in their living rooms (or more debauched…( Read more )
books Archive
BLT Punk Humor Zine Books Are Hot Off the Press! by Amelia G on Blue Blood
Guess whose living room is filled with cartons of books! I have a whole lot of copies of BLT 25: Black Leather Times Punk Humor and Social Critique from the Zine Revolution in my living room right now. All the backers of the BLT Kickstarter have BLT in their living rooms (or more debauched…( Read more )
University Students Studying BLT, Radical Politics, and Social Class by Amelia G on Blue Blood
Students at University of Arizona are reading about BLT for class. This is definitely one of the more amusing things I found while doing research on Black Leather Times for the BLT Kickstarter (less than 48 hours left, eep!) For one of his courses, Professor Malcolm Alan Compitello at University…( Read more )
Richard Kadrey Killing Pretty by Amelia G on Blue Blood
Happiness is getting something in for review that I actually really want and am excited to read. I’ve been a fan of Richard Kadrey‘s writing since Metrophage came out approximately two point five zillion years ago. I’ve been really enjoying his Sandman Slim series. Even if I…( Read more )
Pretty Pics of my Surroundings
Happiness is getting something in for review that I actually really want and am excited to read: Killing Pretty by Richard Kadrey! #books
Pretty Pics of my Surroundings
Los Angeles Public Library rotunda 2nd floor Central Library #beautiful #library #books #lapl
Pretty Pics of my Surroundings
The Los Angeles Public Library system has an amazing Central Library #library #books #beautiful
Steve Diet Goedde 25 Year Photographer Anniversary by Amelia G on Blue Blood
As Blue Blood turned 22 this past October and BLT will be 25 this coming October, you should expect to see a lot of these anniversary projects, as the people we came up with celebrate a quarter century. Photographer Steve Diet Goedde did coffee table art books very early on in his artistic…( Read more )
Pretty Pics of my Surroundings
Los Angeles Public Library getting spooky. I love the library in Hollywood. #Halloween #books #library #losangeles #Hollywood
Alexandria Still Burns: Librarians & the Fight for Knowledge by Amelia G on Blue Blood
I like Kyle Cassidy‘s work because he has a good eye for subculture. There is a journalistic aspect to his work, combined with an aesthetically pleasing approach. Kyle Cassidy delves into the social anthropology of cultural aspects which go unexplored by most. I think I first came across…( Read more )
Rose of No Man’s Land by Michelle Tea
Rose of No Man’s Land by Michelle Tea
by Amelia G : December 3rd, 2010
Michelle Tea is one of those special writers whose work fills you with an aching longing for her character. You can’t help falling in love with them.
Much of what I’ve read of Michelle Tea’s in the past was memoir, but Rose of No Man’s Land is a coming of age novel. For some reason, this book did not come up on my radar when it was released in 2005, although I’ve liked what Michelle Tea does ever since she and I were both presenters at the Firecracker Book Awards and she yelled, “cunt”, really loud from the stage. (It was relevant to what she was presenting an award for, but still.) As the main character Trisha Driscoll is fifteen, I suppose this book is more or less YA, so that is probably why I did not notice its release.
Rose of No Man’s Land is brilliant. A really perfect, elegantly plotted story about a pivotal day in the life of a teenage girl in suburban nowheresville Massachusetts. For some reason, the publishing world puts out gritty realistic bildungsromans for straight boys and queer girls, complete with sexuality, alcohol, and maybe even drugs and disrespect for authority.
They publishing world seems to just hope straight girls will read Twilight and wait for a man to give them personality. But that is a feminist diatribe for another day.
Rose of No Man’s land is a really enjoyable read. It vividly calls up that combined teenage ennui and lust for adventure, the struggle to parse the alien . . .
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Backstage Passes: An Anthology of Rock and Roll Erotica from the Pages of Blue Blood
Sorry I haven’t updated in a few days. I was scheduled to announce the release of my fabulous anthology Backstage Passes on Monday. But I was wracked with anxiety and inappropriate affect, so, instead of feeling celebratory about the awesomeness, I just mostly felt nervous and queasy. Excited contributors have all been emailing me for the past day to make sure all is well. Okay, that is probably an overshare. Let me start again.
I am pleased to announce that my book Backstage Passes: An Anthology of Rock and Roll Erotica from the pages of Blue Blood just came out. The stories explore different aspects of the eroticism of music subcultures. It’s got sexy literary fiction from all sorts of cool genre authors including Poppy Z. Brite, Nancy A. Collins, John Shirley, Will Judy, Shariann Lewitt, Cecilia Tan, Andrew Greenberg, William Spencer-Hale, Althea Morin, Sèphera Girón, Thomas S. Roche, and more. The book includes a story I wrote too, one of my only published fiction works where I wrote in the third person. I’m fortunate to have been able to work with so many great people.
The book won’t be available in stores until September, but you all can buy copies now from the Blue Blood Books site and get yours all early way before the general population can. It will make me feel all warm and gooey inside if you do.