models Archive

Models are Human Beings

Models are Human Beings

by Amelia G : October 17th, 2009

It seems like it should be unnecessary to point out that models are human beings, but a lot of people seem to have difficulty with this. Nobody is as beautiful as their best photo or as hideous as their worst. Ugly may go to the bone, but beauty is still only skin deep. All true.

The nature of digital interaction makes the relationship of humans with their images more difficult. Once upon a time, my unsavory pals and I could hang out at our punk rock group house and, if someone said a model in some of the trannie porn in our living was not feminine enough, nobody’s feelings were going to get hurt.

Today, a lot of people seem to be polarized in their responses to imagery, in particular in their responses to sexual imagery. On the one hand, there are people who callously and casually critique a model’s weight or body parts in public, even though the human being in those photos is going to see those comments. On the other hand, there are people who, on some deep lizard brain level, feel that, if they have seen someone’s hoo-ha, even someone who was paid to show it to them, that person is practically their mate.

It does not make you respectful and/or feminist, if you pathetically slavishly agree with everything someone ever says or posts because you have seen naked pictures or video of them, especially members of your gender of preference.

It does not make you intelligent/ and/or nonconformist, if you aggressively criticize all erotic media and the people who appear in it, especially members of . . .

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EroticBPM Celebrates Lingerieve with Clix

EroticBPM Celebrates Lingerieve with Clix

by Amelia G : July 26th, 2009

eroticbpm eyecandy lingerieveIn just a few weeks, EroticBPM is going to be having a rave in Arizona and lots of girls who have stripped down sexily for EBPM will be there. We’ve got a little free EroticBPM photo gallery featuring some of the confirmed guests, including Eyecandy, Jamie, Money, River, Lucky, Stevie Neko, Uzi, and Ziggy. The best stuff is in the members area of EroticBPM and there is a party bonus for members. Details below in my exclusive interview with EroticBPM’s Scott Owens about the Lingerieve party.

Amelia G: What festivities are planned for the party?

Scott Owens: It is EroticBPM’s 10 year anniversary and we are having a Lingerie-themed rave in Phoenix, AZ. August 22nd. We just confirmed DJ Swamp for the lineup (Beck’s old DJ)

Amelia G: What was the reason for this event’s choice of locale and venue? Who is involved with putting it together?

Scott Owens: The reason we chose Phoenix is because Ebpm photographer Clix is also a rave promoter in the area. We have a lot of models from Phoenix and he has all the resources to make it happen . . . Clix from clixbagoftricks is doing most of the real work.. Ebpm is of course making sure lots of models will be attending and providing any additional support . . . We *might* also do a dvd of the . . .

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Want to be in glossy full color fetish magazine? Tears, content, $.

I’m looking to shoot this week for European fetish magazine placement. As usual, I could finish the job with work I have on hand, but I’d kind of like to shoot some folks I have not shot for fetish magazines before or folks I have not shot in a while. I would ideally like to shoot in Los Angeles, but San Francisco would be possible with enough good models and locations.

The magazine generally gets the images first, but you should expect to ultimately most likely get tears and promo for your personal projects and web-ready content. You will receive a copy of the magazine when Forrest Black and I get copies in and you will receive content for download within two weeks of each set being published on Cash money is possible if you are bringing something deeply exceptional to the table, are extremely fit and/or busty, really know how to wear fetish clothes, are very comfortable nude, and you are 100% headache-free.


You must be able to do an extravagant and impressive look.
You must have access to high end and unique rubber or leather clothing or armor. Corsets and big boots are also a plus.
A minimum of topless nudity is required. Comfort with full nudity is preferred.
You must be in Los Angeles or Orange County this coming week. (Maybe San Francisco, but probably not.)
We are looking to create the most artistic and striking images possible, so we are looking for a select few models who can really bring something extraordinary to the table.

Refer to Forrest Black’s and my work for an idea of what sorts of people we prefer to shoot in general. We have shot for all the important European fetish magazines, including Marquis, Skin Two, and Secret. Although Forrest Black and I have shot dozens of magazine covers, these specific tears are intended for inside pages, although the future can always bring more good things.

A few things to keep in mind: It is highly likely that you and/or the clothing designer will get significant press coverage from this. I don’t really need to do this with any specific person. I can only use local models for this specific gig and that means Los Angeles or an easy drive from Los Angeles. If you are not sure what high end fetish fashion or rubber clothing is all about or if you are unsure of your nudity comfort levels, I’m really only looking for glamourous enthusiasts on this one.

To submit, please message me here or email with the title FETISH FASHION MAGAZINE MODEL. Please indicate where pictures of you can be viewed, what city you are near, what your nudity comfort zone and interests are, what type of fetish fashion you have available, any location suggestions you may have, and whether the designer would like some press coverage as well if possible. If you have any special reasons for wanting to shoot or other information you feel is relevant, please feel free to include it. Please mention if you have already filled out a model app at