My espresso machine broke quite a while ago. Much as there are very pleasant coffeehouses where I live, I really really want to be able to use beans of my own choosing (microroasts and such) and have an iced latte without committing a minimum of half an hour to the enterprise. Beats me what machine to get. I had a Krups and it died.
The specs I want are pretty much pump driven (rather than steam which I had previously), won’t break easily with moderate use, does not require effing pods. I prefer a brass or stainless steel boiler. Do not care if it froths well or heats milk well, as I prefer iced drinks or just espresso. Not a fan of pressurized portafilters but not deadset against them either. Do not need a built-in burr grinder. Do not need a built-in thermometer.
Anybody have an espresso machine recommendation?