Dangerous Toys Art Show
by Amelia G : January 15th, 2008
The vibrant Michelle Aston, as photographed by Blue Blood photog Justice Howard, adorned a giant sign in the front of Meltdown Comics as part of the Dangerous Toys art show. There was appropriately a tattoo shop next door, which you can see in my snapshots of the event. Dangerous Toys was a joint art show collaboration between photographer Justice Howard and toymaker and painter of toys Jim Koch.
I really liked Jim’s toys which seemed perfectly suitable for dressing up one’s cube at work. There were complex original pieces on display at the Dangerous Toys art show and Meltdown Comics also featured some semi-mass-produced versions of his design.
Jim and Justice worked on a few joint pieces, such as a skateboard with Justice’s photos worked into the textured design. I’d never want to skate on it, though, because they are so beautiful.
Justice decided to forgo framing her individual pieces for this particular show in order to be able to display more work. Although this creative decision, in some respects, made individual pieces come across as less important, I personally enjoyed it because I love Justice’s work, but I am very familiar with it. So getting to see so many different pieces was a pleasure . . .
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