Goth Pepper Pink Sock

Goth Pepper Pink Sock
by Amelia G : October 17th, 2007

Amelia G and Tim SinnSo Scar 13 and I wanted to blow off a little steam in a chill environment after work. We listened to Loveline as we rolled over to Boardner’s in my Town Car. We were not actually going to Boardner’s, but Scar had checked her camera at Bar Sinister the preceeding Saturday and tipsily forgotten it there, so she needed to pick it up. Fortunately, they were able to find it. Yay! She keeps her camera in this little pink sort of chamois slipcover. She mentioned to me that Bradical, who has been kind enough to loan us his house and his lemons (don’t ask), for photo shoots, calls it a pink sock. Pink sock is one of those awful phrases, like Dirty Sanchez, which you must learn the meaning of if you are going to successfully use the internet in the future. Apparently Bradical had run into Dr. Drew, of Loveline fame, backstage at some KROQ event and had decided to ask him impertinent questions about how Scar should run her sex life. He then dutifully reported Dr. Drew’s answers back to Scar, along with the definition of a pink sock.

So we listen to more Loveline on the way over to the gothic club night which is our destination. The guest is advising the best way for a woman to orgasm during heterosexual intercourse is to only insert the guy’s dick about a third of the way in and rub her clitoris. A third of the way in? How enormous is the penis we are talking about here? Anyway, I’m pretty sure the answer is a bit more varied than that and I think I could have helped the caller out way better. Loveline’s guest was embarrassed to

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