GothCon and Two Cents for Charity

Ugh, I just read a bunch of the Goth Con Inquisition community and there are actually people who have ripped me off in there posting about how horrible just horrible horrible horrible it is that anyone in the scene would be a scammer.

Here is my take on GothCon if anyone cares:

(1) Although I was invited and I appreciate the invitation, I am not going to be a guest at GothCon this year.

(2) I donated a few grand worth of entertainment for GothCon as well. I was a guest at GothCon last year. I donated my time to speak on panels. I donated free advertising for the event in our newsletters which go out to thousands and thousands of people. I paid my own way for airfare and hotel, although some conventions would have covered that for me. I decided to stay at a boutique hotel with a less corporate feel practically across the street from the Marriot. Upon arrival, I discovered that the new hotel was a pricey cab ride away. When I saw the new hotel, I was really really glad I was staying elsewhere. As a result, I spent more time hanging in New Orleans than at the convention and missed the fashion show and some other things I might have given press coverage.

(3) I would never get anything accomplished if I spent all of my time pursuing every person who ever ripped me off for photography. Sometimes I take action, but, for example, “Fetish Cares” is posting sanctimoniously in [the GCInquisition] thread while apparently using my work without permission or payment to promote their event and I have not gone after them for it to date.

(4) I like Ugly Shyla. She is a good person. She is one of the few people in the scene who regularly tries to do good for others. She is one of the few people who remembers good deeds. She is one of the few people who remembers a favor. She frequently does nice things for other people without them asking and without having to rub it in. She is one of the only people who always tries to make sure at least one person is happier for having crossed her path every day.

(5) Forrest Black’s main point was that, with all of the scam artists around, it seems odd that this particular scam is such a much bigger deal to people. Of course, keeping money supposedly collected for a charity is wrong. Nobody could possibly debate otherwise. But it would be nice if our scene produced more events where everyone could get together and meet in person and have a good time. Sure I think AIDS charities are good. I’ve donated money to charity in recent memory. I don’t think that many scene people have. I regularly donate to events which I feel support the scene. I donated to GothCon to support the scene. Even if Snow is a scamming parasite, why is she so much worse than every other person in the scene who has ever done something wrong?