Additional Notes for Applying for Positions

Re: Positions listed at

To be Director of Amelia’s Life/Personal Assistant, please email Amelia at in confidence (i.e. I won’t tell who you work for now) with desired pay, why you are interested in the position, and any other experience you have which might apply. Additional note: Please state whether you have a reliable car for this position.

To be Blue Blood’s Director of Online Outreach, please email Amelia at in confidence (i.e. I won’t tell who you work for now) with desired pay, a list of which business and consumer boards you currently post to, why you are interested in the position, and any other experience you have which might apply.

If you are someone I talk to in person or on the phone (rare) or on ICQ anyway, it is fine to mention it if you have applied, but please apply via email with the information requested. I will also be offline shooting in Vegas and Portland and my ICQ regularly eats messages which come in when I am not logged into it, so don’t be offended if I miss something. Hopefully, I will be able to fill both of these positions pretty quickly upon my return. A big thank you to everyone who has applied so far!

All right, I am off to finish packing and such for my trip. The packing won’t be fun, but this trip is going to rock! Whoo-hoo!