Archive for 2009


  • 02:14 @twitter So far, in the beta, I’m not into losing the ability to comment on RT in the Tweet. Prefer more conversational. #

Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood


  • 12:35 Warning to WordPress folks, the current autoupgrade overwrites the Kubrick theme. #

Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Big Boob Barbie and Country Club Biff are not the Oppressors

Big Boob Barbie and Country Club Biff are not the Oppressors

by Amelia G : November 15th, 2009

big boob debutante barbieMany folks who fancy themselves individualistic iconoclasts like to imagine that there is some 80’s movie villain guy or some beautiful blonde debutante girl (with huge knockers) who is holding them back. The dismal reality is that counterculture fails to be stronger because, too often, it eats its own.

Comedian Chris Rock does a joke about how the reason women do not rule the world is because they hate each other i.e. when a man sees his buddy with a great girl, he thinks he wants one like that, and, when a woman sees her pal with a great guy, she thinks she wants that guy. Many disadvantaged groups, from Bohemians to Blacks, have to deal with some pushback from the overculture and undermining in their own culture. Black community leaders have addressed some of the issue within their community by political action, forging ahead, and coining phrases such as “hater” to describe sometime peers who seek to destroy those like them who find any success.

Counterculture community leaders deal with this cultural cannibalism by posting that they are totally going to stop tweeting on Twitter. Next time you feel like you just can’t get a break, take a look in the mirror and ask yourself when was the last time you said something supportive to or about someone in your community and when was the last . . .

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Belle de Jour is Dr Brooke Magnanti

Belle de Jour is Dr Brooke Magnanti

by Amelia G : November 15th, 2009

belle de jour brooke magnantiSome time ago, I wrote a piece about Secret Diary of a Call Girl, then airing on Showtime. This weekend, the writer of the book and blogs the show was based on came forward and unmasked herself. Rumor is that she decided to expose her true identity because some ex-boyfriend was shopping her story to the tabloids. She says she decided to out herself because it wasn’t much fun not being able to go to her own book release party for the recently released Belle De Jour’s Guide to Men.

Around this time last year, Belle wrote in her blog, “What I write about is something every depiction of prostitution in this country in recent years has not been permitted to say. There will be no comeuppance. There will be no guilt and shame. And most importantly, there will be no white goddamn knight . . . Myself, personally, I am enjoying life. Neither in spite of nor because of my past but because I choose to . . . because no one else wants to say these things, I can: I will. I am unrepentant. I make no apologies for my past or what I write. And my future will be no worse than yours as a result.

It will be sociologically interesting to see how outing herself pans out for her future. So far, people’s reactions seem mixed. Because here is the kicker: Belle de Jour is a research scientist who specializes in the impact of pesticides on children, such as exotic cancers. So the people who were hoping best-selling author and high end escort Belle was pathetic in her real life are disappointed. And the part-time sex workers who hand themselves a blue ribbon and an award for having got through a few months of college are feeling a bit inadequate. There are exceptions, but a lot of the press on Dr. Brooke Magnanti seems sort of hostile, like they either have to refer to her research science as obscure or her sexual past as very very naughty.

My response: How fucking cool is it that someone could be hot enough to charge three hundred pounds an hour via Barbarella’s escort agency as a young woman and go on to be both a witty best-selling author and work on science to help sick children?! That is like female Buckeroo Banzai . . .

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Do you believe alien abductions really happen?

Do you believe alien abductions really happen?

by Amelia G : October 22nd, 2009

Olatunde Osunsanmi directs the beautiful Milla Jovovich in The Fourth Kind. Close Encounters was the third kind i.e. contact with extraterrestrials. The Fourth Kind is alien abduction. Apparently, there is a part of Alaska which has had an unusually high number of missing persons and an unusually high number of otherwise credible people who appear to truly believe they have been the victims of alien abductions.

The movie is part documentary and part reenactment, juxtaposing videotapes psychologist Dr. Abigail Tyler made of patients with reenactments by Milla Jovovich. I may have a stronger opinion one way or the other, after seeing the movie, but I’m personally on the fence on what to think about alien life forms performing experiments on humans.

By the way, according to the alien interaction scale, the second kind is collecting evidence of aliens and the first kind is just sighting a UFO.

Perhaps Kids in the Hall can offer some insight:

Alien 1: So what’s bothering you?
Alien 2: Ah, lately I just keep wondering what’s the point?
Alien 1: The point?
Alien 2: Yeah. What’s the point of what we do?
Alien 1: Sorry, I don’t follow you
Alien 2: Well, I mean, we travel 250,000 light years across the universe, abduct humans, probe them anally and release them.
Alien 1: Yeah? And?
Alien 2: Well, doesn’t it seem kind of pointless?
Alien 1: I really don’t think about it.
Alien 2: Well don’t you think you should?
Alien 1: No, I don’t think I should. I don’t think I should question the . . .

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Why does Candy Corn not taste better?

Why does Candy Corn not taste better?

by Amelia G : October 21st, 2009

gingerdead candy corn halloween

Gingerdead</strong></a>’s Calan Ree asks the important questions. Why is candy corn so emblematic of Halloween and why does candy corn taste so much less . . .

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  • 11:08 Ya’d think w/ $$,$$$$,$$$ of taxpayer money, JP Morgan Chase could be a less horrible/more efficient bank. #
  • 15:13 RT @BlueBlood Belle de Jour Dr Brooke Magnanti F off if unimpressed by @belledejour_uk #
  • 16:30 RT @BlueBlood Big Boob Barbie and Country Club Biff are not the Oppressors F cannibalism. #

Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood


  • 14:59 Don’t people like having friends? It makes me sad when I think I made a friend but really they want $ &/or sex. #

Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood


  • 18:04 The internet has opened up some cool opportunities, but I think people were nicer & better-adjusted before it. #

Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood


  • 15:48 JP Morgan Chase spent their bailout $ outsourcing to India where the hold music is appropriately the blues. #

Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

Nina Sin Satan Cheerleader

How awesome is it that Nina Sin has a cheerleader outfit like this!? Forrest Black and I knew we were going to shoot her in this outfit the moment we saw it. The only hard part was for all of us to stop suggesting cheers for Satan, so we would not be giggling through the shots. Full set posted to Blue Blood VIP today.


  • 01:31 Okay, seriously, I know LA is proud of having the most helicopters, but this loud-ass man-hunt could stop any time now. So sleepy. #
  • 02:50 It disturbs me that my reminder to TREAT MODELS AS HUMAN BEINGS was controversial (SFW) #
  • 04:13 The heart of Hollywood is convenient & exciting but not enjoying tonight’s helicopter manhunt followed by leaf blower bar & 7-11 clean-up #

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  • 21:36 Long grueling day. Big good news tomorrow. Now: food, South Park & re-reading Pearls Before Swine strips. #
  • 06:53 got huge redesign by @ForrestBlack Working out kinks but what do y’all think? #

Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter for the Tweets of Amelia G from Blue Blood

The Internet is for . . .

Like Dave Chappelle says, intolerable. (Except that my job is mostly pretty cool, aside from feeling responsible for so many people.)

I wish there was a battery of tests for IQ and reading comprehension, which people had to pass before they were given access to the internet. I would not ignore someone who was talking to me at a party, unless I felt really hostile towards them for some reason and was trying to be rude. Alas, too many people on the internet are not worth engaging at all, even when they are speaking directly to me. It just does not come naturally to me to dismiss people, even anonymous trolls, as too insignificant to reply to. And I always think people will see reason, if given the opportunity. LOL. But I’m learning. I hope.