
  • 16:40 @jaemsdotorg Aw thanks 🙂 #
  • 16:42 Thought for the day: Why doesn’t TV network hire me for big $ if they want my stuff? Why do people w/budgets steal & violate copyright? #
  • 00:18 @TheDarklady How does one tell the difference between columns for a Roman or a Greek bacchanal? Send me PR on NYE. Sounds intriguing. #
  • 00:20 @ChadSavage @lamaupin Hi, I just saw Sisters FTW in hating one’s audience. Who are y’all thinking of in horror? #
  • 00:21 @lamaupin They are still just a friend. Unless you wake up with holes in your dancing shoes. And splam in your hair. #
  • 00:24 @lzrbnny 140 characters is hard for complexities, but I’m not following. You know I have no objection to contract girls, right? #
  • 00:30 @BillBrent Not Xmas-y, but, holy bromeliads, that is beautiful! #
  • 00:32 @ChadSavage I grow weary of people who imagine teh seks in everything I do, but communication to people who get it is half the point of art #
  • 00:32 @ChadSavage So it sounds like a truism, but people should appreciate being appreciated. #

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